Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Boy Who Could Fly

To clear this up right off the bat: Reece can't fly. But do you remember that movie? I don't. It came out in 1986 and I was four. But I will imagine what that movie would be like.

Reece can't fly, but he can almost walk. He's taken 5-6 consecutive steps in a row for the past several days, so we are increasingly worried. My attempts to capture it on film have been much harder than anticipated. Please enjoy our attempts:

At first I tried his favorite monkey as motivation. He proved too smart for me.

He's very goal-oriented.

But then he started to get frustrated.

And in the end all it took was the proper motivation.


Nicole Moultrie said...

So SO SOOOO cute! He has taken after his mothers love for monkeys I see..good job little man!

dances alone said...

that is too cute.

Jared and Laurel said...

Well, if he'd grab on the right kind of monkey, he COULD fly. Oh wait, that's more like the WWofWest again. I'm on a roll!
Anyhoo, that's exciting stuff! Go Reece!

Ryan said...

I like how you switch monkeys in the last one. It worked.