Saturday, February 12, 2011

25 weeks!!!

For some reason I feel like being 25 weeks pregnant is significant. I mean, I still have 15 weeks left (hopefully...or hopefully not? Hard to tell). At this point nobody is wondering whether or not I'm pregnant, but I still feel pretty good. Not too huge to be uncomfortable (but getting there), still able to sleep most of the night (though the insomnia is definitely increasing), and maintaining a pretty healthy level of energy to play with my super active toddler. We'll see how quickly that energy depletes.

Here are some videos for all you curious folk out there. Yes, I stick out much more than I did with Reece (which I didn't think was possible), but don't forget that I still have 15 glorious weeks with which to grow this little doll. So I promise the videos and pictures will get much more shocking as the weeks progress. Yipee.

And we can't have a post without some cute thing about Reece, so here is his latest: He has a crazy-funny imagination. Yesterday he wanted to climb on the table and I wouldn't let him so he tried to convince me that he was a cat (because it's apparently okay for cats to climb on the table). I'm talking meowing, crawling around, licking stuff, the works. He found out that cats don't get to climb on the table, either. He also likes to invent games. This game I dedicate to my dear friend Laurel, with whom I created several couch games our freshman year at BYU. We even had Couch Olympics, they were so elaborate. Apparently couch games are genetic. Reece's favorite is called "Really Hurt," in which he and his dad pretend-fall off his little couch then exclaim, "Ow! Really hurt!" Poor kid has had so much head trauma already in his life. At least he tries to make the best of it.


Carina said...

Those pregnancy pants are AWESOME. You need to have triplets or something like that to really show us the power of those pants.

And Reece, you are adorable as always!

Ryan said...

I laughed, but I'm kind of grossed out too. Maybe pregnant ladies (sisters, even) gyrating should be part of your personal collection. By the way, Owen tries to play the "really hurt" game, and we just stare at him there on the ground. Not everybody is as fun as Paul.